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Monday, November 14, 2011

Week 24

Well I can sure tell you that this last week was insane! I worked out really hard and ate really hard ! lol I did very good most days and a few days I had some little pig outs. I would get so hungry bc of the work outs and didn't have any food with me, so I had to eat whatever I had around with me. I had my kids treats with me bc I packed things for them when I went out, I didn't have my stuff bc I ate right before we would go out on our errands. I didn't think I would need anything so soon after but the workouts seriously made me hungry and of course my kiddos treats were not at all what I needed and were bottom less calories. SO I just ate and ate and ate. BUT I did still lose a pound LOL. I however have learned from my mistakes and will  be prepared from now on.
I feel great and can I just say wow?! My body, especially my legs, are feeling so much stronger! M-W-F I do 20 minutes of cardio and about an hour of weights. When you do a good 20-30 mins of cardio before weights you are in for a much better work out. The cardio burns through the sugar and the weights can get right in there and attack the fat. I started out doing 5 mins of normal walking, then 5 mins of fast walking, then 5 mins of jogging, 2 mins of fast walking, 2 more mins of jogging, ending with 5 mins walking for a cool down. Then I do squats. 3 sets of 8 with each rep lasting 8 seconds (4 sec. up 4 sec down). All my exercises were exactly like this. With doing exercises for hamstrings, back, chest, shoulders, biceps, triceps, and ball abs. Talk about killer! Then T-Th-S I do 30-40 mins of cardio. I start out on the treadmill doing what I do before my weights, then I go to the Stairmaster, and end either on the eliptical or treadmill for my cool down. Today I actually started on the treadmill and jogged for 10 mins with out stopping and that is really good for me! I hate to run lol. This week I will do exactly what I did last week just upping my time and weights if I feel I can and nest week my routine will change.
I am so glad I finally went and got a gym membership, it helps me keep my goals, and that is more than worth it! I am hoping that this next order of Medifast will be my first order in transition. We're all getting there and it is so worth it! Stay on plan and kick some fat!

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