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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

$150 Medifast Giveaway!

Hey all you fellow Medifasters, I am doing a giveaway you DON'T want to miss! I am rewarding one of YOU with $150 worth of Medifast food! I am doing this because I know how hard it is to make ends meet and still have your diet food that we all love and need. I have an amazing Medifast family on facebook and here is away for me to help and show my appreciation. I love you all and good luck!

How to enter and official rules:
1) Friend me on face book,
2) Become a follower of my blog, this blog ;-)
3) Post this blog post on your facebook, -leave it up for at least 2 hours.
4) Leave a comment below this post on what Medifast has done for you and why you would like this giveaway!

I will be using to pick the winner so it is completely fair. The giveaway ends at midnight (Mountain standard time) on the last day of this month and the winner will be announced on October 1, 2011. After the winner is announced I will ask for their email to get their address and what foods they would like. ONLY enter if you feel the terms and conditions are fair. Good luck everyone!


  1. Medifast has changed my life in many ways. I now know dreams can come true! I have seen that healthy doesn't just mean that you are eating right, you have to literally change your life. You need to be healthy spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally. All of these things Medifast can do for you. Surround your self with like minded people, people who know exactly how you feel. People who support you no matter how much you mess up. People that truly want to better their lives by helping you better yours. Medifast has not only reminded me of who I WANT to be but it's helped make me who I am. Medifast is truly the life style change!
    Having the free food would help me bc my husband has been out of work. He lost his job on Labor Day. He did start one yesterday but their pay period is bi-monthly. We will have to wait another two weeks for a pay check. My parents have helped us tremendously and this would help so that I wouldn't have to use their money for some Medifood.
    Brandee - you have been a great friend and supporter in my life! You are a God send! Much medilove to you!!

  2. Medifast has helped me lose 27 pounds in 7 weeks. This was after many failed attempts with weight watchers...which was a little too permissive for me to make it work.

  3. Medifast has truly changed my life for the better! So much so that I want to shout it from the roof tops! Two weeks in, and I'm down about 15 lbs! I've started and stopped MF a couple of times over the last year and half. I just never seeemed to have the drive or the committment. Two weeks ago, I was shocked at being 286 lbs at my doctor's office. I knew I had to do something, and I knew this worked. So, here I am! It's been so good for me that it's making me want to make other positive changes in my life, like quitting smoking and starting to exercise. My focus is on health now. It's time to start focusing on me...Medifast taught me that! I've been so excited that my mom even started MF yesterday! Woohoo!!!

  4. My weight loss has so much to do with Medifast. I have tried numerous diet plans from Weight Watchers, the HCG Diet, the Cookie Diet (LOL yes I did that!), South Beach Diet, the cabbage soup diet (another strange one!) and a few other off the chart ones but those are to name a few and none of them have worked as well as Medifast. I have been overweight most of my adult life and until that fateful day when my physician recommended Medifast, I thought I would continue to be overweight because I felt nothing did work! Since losing over 42 lbs on Medifast... I have gained confidence in myself to know I can accomplish things I never thought possible, become more social and active in my community, changed my way of thinking to be more positive and just being able to enjoy life, be healthy and smile knowing I feel great about myself! :) It really gave me my life back. In return, I have set up a cooking blog ( with a section dedicated to Medifast so that I can share the knowledge I have learned along the way and the recipes I have came up with or converted to be Medifast friendly. I love how Medifast has a great online community and I want to help as many people as possible to reach their goals. I think that is one of the best aspects of Medifast is the support and non-judgemental views we give each other because we all are going through the same thing and we all know how hard this weight loss journey can be.

    The reason I would like this giveaway is because it has becoming more costly. With only hubby working, serving in the US Army and me unemployed, you start to feel the pinch in the pocket book. I still have about 20 lbs to lose before I reach my goal (which I have no doubt in mind that I will reach some day!) Thanks for doing this giveaway. We really appreciate it!

  5. What an inspiration!!! I've heard about this diet and the more I hear about it---the more I've just gotta give it a try! Cheers to Change!
