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Monday, September 12, 2011

Week 15 Over

This last week was a good one. I bought a size Large dress because it looked small for its size and when I got home and tried it on, it was too big. I'll have it taken in but I couldn't believe that I am at that stage in my weight loss journey where I can start looking at Mediums and actually fitting into them and buying them. I lost 2 more lbs this last week  for a total of 45.5 and have 35 more to go. Heck yeah!!!
Now in all reality I have only 25 left to lose to be at my goal weight BUT bc I don't have much muscle I have a higher body fat percentage. So my plan is to get to 125 and then gain about 5-10 pounds of muscle. That should get me right where I want to be and where I should be. Once I get there I will see how I feel and determine if I should lose more fat and put on more muscle. I will cross that bridge when I get to it ;-)

My goal is to be a size 4, a LEAN size 4 with about 20% body fat. Once I start lifting weights and doing cardio I will have my body fat % taken, from then on out I will be having a Check in day instead of a Weigh in day. Keeping track of my body fat % will be more accurate of my success than weight loss. I could lose 10 lbs on the scale but very little body fat, if that were to happen then I know I lost muscle as well and that's not good. If I lose 3 lbs on the scale but a good amount of body fat then I know that I am losing more fat and gaining more muscle, and THAT is what I need. Since more muscle burns more fat then I want to build that muscle and in the end I will be at my target and goal weight being leaner with less fat, more muscle, and hitting my goal! :-)
My short term goal for the next 4 weeks is to lose 10 more lbs. I have a vacation coming up with all my sister in-laws, and I have a pair of pants that I want to wear there and I need to have the length altered. So I want to fit in them just right. Wish me luck and my hope are the same for all of you out there! Thank you Medifast for making this possible!!!

1 comment:

  1. You are doing so great! I only see one thing wrong with this post...The last line says "Thank you Medifast for making this possible" You made it possible! You have worked so hard and been so good about sticking to it!

    You made me cry this morning! You are so right about pictures and being in them for the kids and my husband. You hit it spot on for me when you said, they love me no matter what. It's true, I may not love myself right now, but they do and this is all a part of how they know me! You have been such an amazing support for me! Thank you!
