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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

And Let the Workouts Begin!

I decided to get a little crazy and add exercise into my almost daily routine, (6 days a week). I know, crazy huh?! lol OK maybe not crazy per say but something new, actually some thing more needed than any thing. I decided to do cardio yesterday instead of weights. I started with walking and I WALKED! By the time I was done my legs hurt and at the end of the night my feet hurt even more. Now I know I need to be proud of myself but I don't think my body has ever been this affected from just walking. I'm such a weakling now, SO SAD! BUT I will take my win yesterday, (a noble victory over laziness) and let it propel me into my workout today. So I say "Bring on the weights!"
Tonight I will do the very first workout my trainer had me do when I first started with him. It's about 10 moves, with 8 reps per move, and each rep is 8 second long. Yep, so that means when it come to squats, I am going down slowly for 4 seconds and up the same. Try it and see how you feel ;-) Your quads will be nice and hot, especially the next day. This is a GREAT way to build muscle, no kidding. I am looking forward to this sooo much that I can literally feel my body tensing up now lol. Wish me luck you all ;-)
On another note, I have been having a little trouble with cravings. Now that t.o.m is over so should the little cravings but for some unknown and mean reason, they aren't. Sigh..... BUT I had a great conversation with a friend the other day about something that Medifast has done for me. I was hit over the head with a large thought of fat. I was sitting there explaining things to her and I just started to think of fat. I could SEE fat all in my mind! And I remember feeling overwhelmed and scared. I thought "What if I lose all this weight, get down to my very goal and fail?! I gain all the weight back and then some! And an answer came clearly to my mind,  ELIMINATE THE STRESSORS!  Figure out what makes you turn to food. Find out what makes you lose control, what makes you give in, and what stresses you to the point  you pig out! AND ELIMINATE IT!!! Once we know all those things, little and big, that are our stressors then we can begin to change them. Change will not take place if we are not willing to place the problem!
This week I am going to pause and take note when I have a tempting moment. See what I am tempted with and try and remember anything that I associate with that temptation. Music, movies, seasons, events and much more are triggers for me. I am going to rewire those triggers and put them with something healthy, creating a new look and feel on food. I don't want food to ever be a problem again for me. Eat to live, don't live to eat! ;-)

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